Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I just wanted to say hello to everyone who is reading my blog! I have so many posts in the works, and am moving to Padova, Italy next week, to begin my next adventure. My move will bring many stories, photos, much fashion inspiration and love, and some much needed free time to blog about the comedic disaster that has been my life, lately. So, stay tuned.

Starting this blog really is like showing your work for the first time...you hope people are looking, observing and reacting. If you are reading, please say a quick hello to let me know you are out there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen! I am interested in the dusty rose belt if you still have it :) my email is jassjane@hotmail.com. I am not from Chicago but would pay for shipping. Have a wonderful New Year!!

    P.S. I hope 2009 is a year of total non-building of character for me too
